TWK Agri was initially established by timber farmers. The aim was to assist in the marketing of their timber products, mainly Wattle bark and timber. This has subsequently expanded to also include other species of timber, mainly Eucalyptus and Pine logs as well as a variety of other timber products, not only for TWK’s farmers but for the South African timber industry as a whole.

TWK owns and operates a world-class woodchip production and export facility in Richards Bay, South Africa, with the capability of producing and exporting 900 000 tons of woodchips per annum.
We have been successfully producing and exporting high-quality woodchips for more than 30 years. Our customer base includes some of the largest pulp and paper producers in Japan, China and India.
We produce two woodchip products ideally suited to the production of pulp and paper products:
Acacia mearnsii woodchips
Mixed eucalyptus woodchips

TWK is actively involved in different aspects of research to create sustainable forestry not only for ourselves but also for the different suppliers of wood fibre and products.
This is achieved through:
Investing in genetically improved material and research in silviculture, harvesting and risk mitigation. With the help of the FABI, where it is represented, TWK is actively involved in research by monitoring forestry diseases and pests. TWK supports research into forestry, undertaken by the ICFR. TWK is also represented on the board of the ICFR.
Information service
Field days

We obtain and supply sustainable quality processed and unprocessed timber products to local and international markets and also market timber products on behalf of our suppliers.
We continually cultivate and develop new and existing markets and/or niche markets for the suppliers of our processed and unprocessed timber products.
Our experts give advice and/or manage harvesting operations, as well as manage a complete range of forest activities.

TWK Agri manages plantations on behalf of property owners nationally and in Africa. It strictly follows successful and sustainable forestry practices to ensure sustainability and responsibility for future generations.
TWK Agri mentors previously disadvantaged timber growers who are beneficiaries of land reform and land redistribution in South Africa.
TWK Agri is a founding member and current member of the Mkondo Fire Protection Association (MFPA) and a founding member and current member of the Mpumalanga Forestry Wildfire Committee (MFWC)

TWK Agri promotes the agro forestry principle, which leads to an improved income on forestry land. Beef and goat farming on forestry land is one of the farming activities introduced on plantations.

Shiselweni Forestry Company Ltd – Company Reg. No 99 of 196
Shiselweni Forestry Company (SFC) is a forestry company in Swaziland with wattle, eucalyptus and pine plantations. SFC is a founding member and a current member of the Swaziland Fire Protection Association.
SAWCO Mining Timber Company (Pty) Ltd – Company Reg. No 353 of 1984
SAWCO Mining Timber consists of two multipurpose sawmills in Swaziland. The sawmills manufacture eucalyptus and pine products for the South African and international markets.
STTP SAWCO Treated Timber Products
SAWCO Treated Timber Products has a treated timber plant in Swaziland.

TWK Ethics

Ethical standards
TWK, its subsidiaries and their staff are committed to acting with honesty and integrity in the performance of their duties and in their personal conduct, according to the highest moral and ethical standards.
The TWK Code of Ethics is a document in which the operation of our business in a legal and ethically acceptable manner is contained. Each director and employee has committed to the Code of Ethics that requires of the employees and directors to carry out their duties in a fair manner and to act accordingly to customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to ensure a reputation of maintaining the integrity and responsible behaviour.
Adequate grievance and disciplinary procedures exist in order to promote and ensure the application of the Code of Ethics.
TWK Tip-Offs Anonymous whistleblowing hotline
To demonstrate this commitment, TWK has made available a free and anonymous ethics line. The service is managed by Deloitte, an independent service provider.
Call the Tip-offs Anonymous® confidential, free hotline with any information you may have regarding fraud, corruption or other workplace dishonesty.
The TWK Ethical Code
The purpose of TWK’s Ethical Code is to provide a framework for emloyees of the standard of business conduct and ethics that is required of all business divisions, diectors and employees within the TWK group in order to promote and enforce ethical business practices and standards throughout the Group. The TWK Ethical Code can be viewed on the link/attachment below.
South Africa FreeCall: 0800 003 243 * E-mail: twkagri@tip-offs.com
Eswatini FreeCall: 0800 003 243
FreeFax: 0800 00 77 88
FreePost: KZN 138, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320
Website: www.tip-offs.com