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Sawco Treated Timber Products was Established in 2014 by a Joint Venture to add value to the raw material resource in Gege/Nhlangano area of Sheselweni Forestry company and service the local and foreign markets with excellent Utility and Building and Fencing poles.

Our quality is closely monitored by ACT, as we strive to maintain SANS 754,457,1288 standards.  Our plant has a capacity of 1800 cube per month combined.

Our quality objectives are:

  • Only to accept orders within our capacity.

  • Develop employee skills through continuous training.

  • Investing in suitable state-of-the-art technology.

  • Leading in quality and excellence throughout our product range.

Timber is locally sourced from our partner company.  Timber is received dry and stored in the stackyard.  When it complies with a moisture of 30% is then cut to customer requirement and bundled.  After undergoing quality check, the timber is then sent to treating.

The timber is treated with creosote, which is blended from the products derived from the distillation of crude coal tar.  After treating it is again check to ensure the final product received by the customer complies to the SANS 754.457,1288 standards.

We strive to keep our workplace clean and protect the environment.  Thus we have stored the creosote in closed containers, inside a contained area.  Our floor plan has been set up so that all creosote dripping from our final product is collect in our waste dams throw a filtration system.

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